About Us
What is the Wales Carers Alliance?

Established in 2001, The Wales Carers Alliance exists to work co-productively with carers to uphold carers rights and champion the voice of all carers across Wales.
Carers provide unpaid care by looking after a family member, partner or friend who may be ill, frail or have a disability. A carer is an adult or child who provides, or intends to provide that care.
The Alliance comprises national voluntary organisations in Wales which have declared policies on carer support and seek to work together to work with the National Assembly for Wales, Welsh Government and other agencies to develop the legislative, policy, resource and service framework at national level to support carers in Wales.
- The Alliance members are committed to joint action:
- To improve the lives of all carers and not just the specific needs of the carers that they support through their individual organisations.
- To discuss and, as far as possible, to define common policies on carer support. Where a consensus is established, Alliance members are committed to present and act upon agreed policy statements;
- To act as a forum where carer issues can be discussed and in particular those issues that are pertinent to the work of national voluntary organisations in Wales;
- To inform and influence policy makers, planners and other key decision makers on policy issues that affect carers;
- To exchange ideas and information on the work of the member organisations;
- To comment on, support or oppose proposals, papers and other documents offered for consultation;
- To monitor the development and implementation of carer support policies nationally and, where possible, at local level;
- To advise and feed in to the Ministerial Advisory Group on Carers and other key Welsh Government policy and advisory groups on carer related issues. The Alliance nominates three Ministerial Advisory Group representatives and there is a standing item at Alliance meetings for representatives to feedback. Once a year the Minister with responsibility for carers shall be invited to attend an Alliance meeting;
- To review opportunities for partnership working, shared projects and maximise skills for the benefit of carers.
To perform these functions, the Alliance meets at least four times a year for regular business which includes review of the Alliance workplan, discussion on specific issues, reports, invited speakers and the financial status and administration of the Alliance.
A Chair and Vice Chair are elected from the membership for a two year term. The Chair is responsible for making sure that the Alliance focuses on its intended purpose, each meeting is planned effectively, conducted appropriately involving all members and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner.
Each Alliance member organisation pays a small fee towards the running costs of the Alliance. This is charged as follows:
Organisation’s annual income | Fee |
£250,000 and under | £60 per annum |
£250,001 – £1million | £70 per annum |
Over £1million | £80 per annum |
The secretariat for the Wales Carers Alliance is provided by Carers Wales. Enquiries can be made to them on 029 2081 1370 or to [email protected]